Wednesday, February 22, 2006

going iit way!!!

What's this ES funda? Mind you, ES is NOT a coward.
He just isn't acclimatized to this new environment, and especially, the lingo.
He bulbs whenever shady junta put god level fundeas about poonding a slysha fufa RGer, buster.He feels like deeshing when such haiffunda level things are put to him. He prefers cupping a quiz to deciphering such cuppax level lingo type things. Peace? Hazaar Peace.It's not very ob-like da, but better believe it, vokay. You can't expect ES to stoop to such derogatory levels. He DOES NOT like pondy-type-things as he comes from a long like od decent and honorable ancestors'.Period. The truth? Well it is yet "apocryphal",and what little is speculatively known is rather unprintable.

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