Thursday, April 13, 2006

Bangalore is Blog!!!

By now everyone must be aware of the sad news that revered kannada actor who is no more with us. Sad it is. But the series of incidents which I went through y’day does raised many issues. It all started with my teammate telling that he got a call from his friend asking him to leave early as there could be tension due rajkumar demise…
I immediately checked on of the news site and it confirmed the news telling that actor had died due to cardiac arrest.
So I told my teammate to relax since it was a natural death not a terrorist act. But it doesn’t end here with minutes even I got call from my roommates and friend asking to me to leave early for home. And with every single person who called I was left arguing why the hell there has to anger and violence over someone’s death. And as we all know there were spurts of violence across the city.
Whatever reason they tell us I won’t buy it. For me it was simple politically motivated or rather escalated scenes. I believe that revered rajkumar has huge fan following in this state and any politician who won’t speak for him will be a self proclaimed fool. Now with so my politician trying to make so many statement and trying to do so many things for please the sad public will obviously lead into confusion and hence violence.
Well you know y’day I got down from auto near my home and there were group of people who were forcing shopkeepers to close the shop. They had this yellow/red flag in front of their bikes which seems to make them omnipotent. Anyways what I noticed was there was not a trace of sadness in their faces, they were laughing, chewing gutkhas and seemed to be extremely happy with this act. Stupid SOB’s.

Now out of sheer jobless I am writing this. Why well the cable channels jus went off and when I called cable operator he replied “sir rajkumar death no entertainment, only news channel sir”. With all shops closed, movie halls closed and tv down I have nothing to do today.

And you might be asking what’s the point of writing all this? well ‘coz I am frustrated with all this events illogical and so called moral police of this city who are so jobless that they make anything out of nothing to get themselves in a position where they can harass people